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How do you know when it is time to call a Refrigeration Repair Company?

If you own a restaurant or deal with food, then you know that there is no piece of equipment that is more important than your walk-in cooler or freezer.  Considering the amount of money that is stored in these units, these units are essential to keep your business or restaurant running smoothly.  Basically, protecting your investment in food inventory 24/7/365 is priceless.

So, it can be really devastating then for your walk-in cooler or freezers to go out of service.  Plus, it always seems to happen at the least opportune time.  For example, the day after delivery of a large order and/or right before a large party or in the dead of night when you are not event at the facility.  You will need to find space for your refrigerated or frozen items, or risk losing them altogether. 

Here are some signs your walk-in cooler or freezer needs repair:

Your walk-in cooler usually maintains a temperature of less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit, while your walk-in freezer usually sits between 0 to -10 degrees Fahrenheit.  If either system strays from the recommended range, this could be an indicator that your boxes need repair.

Another sign that something may not be right is the presence of ice or frost buildup.  Usually, frost comes from warm air making its way into the cooler or freezer, warming the air, and producing condensation that will then refreeze.  The door may be left open during cooking or deliveries, or the door may be damaged and does not close properly, leaving warm air to make its way inside.  Some solutions may be to retrain your staff into stocking the box with items on the principle of first in first out or stocking food in areas where it is easily accessible if used all the time or just closing the door period.

On the flip side, if you see pools of water on the floor of the walk-in cooler or freezer, this might be a sign that warmer air is present, but the temperature never gets cold enough for the pooled water to refreeze.  Unfortunately, this is a hazard for workers and an indication that something is seriously wrong with the box.  For example, refrigerant may be leaking of the air may not be circulating correctly.

They say the Nose knows – if you smell or hear something that appears odd, there could be issues with your cooling or freezing system.  Chemical smells or rotting foods are common indicators of an issue.  Also, knocking, or loud squealing outside the realm of the normal humming of the fans could be cause for concern. 

Bottom line, the speed with which you respond to any of these issues can make the difference between a small, preventative maintenance repair or the need for a whole system replacement.  By having ArtikControl™ Technologies installed, you will know exactly what is happening in your box 24 hours a day, 7 days a well and 365 days per year, thus giving you Peace of Mind. 

ArtikControl™ consistently monitors your walk-in coolers/freezers and sends out alarms via text and email alerts when problems arise so that any failure or temperature problems are discovered and addressed as quickly as possible.

Refrigeration Technologies will show you how to reduce food spoilage, monitor your temperatures and save energy. These are just a few of the benefits a refrigeration owner or operator will experience with the installation of ArtikControl™ WIC/WIF Technologies

For more Information about some of the most common problems that occur inside walk-in freezers and how our Technologies can give you Peace of Mind, save energy and more importantly put money in your refrigeration operations, please contact us at 888-286-3091 or email me at

Do you have a Talking Freezer?

Contact Refrigeration Technologies’ today to schedule a No Obligation Energy Audit(888) 286-3091

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