Made in the


ICE 59 Motor

EC Motors are used in the evaporator of walk-in coolers and freezers. They are 70-80% more energy efficient than the traditional shaded pole motors that are used in most commercial refrigeration applications. EC Motors have a long life, are maintenance free, and offer a quick ROI. Great for retrofit applications!

ICE 59 ecMotors are primarily used in the evaporator of commercial refrigeration walk-in coolers and freezers, but can be used in many applications demanding high efficiency and dependability with output ratings up to 74.6 watts.

Combining over 20 years of GE ECM by Regal Beloit experience with Morrill Motors commitment to value, quality, and service we are now offering the commercial refrigeration industry’s first smart 74.6 watt electronically commutated motor available. Our ICE 59 significantly outperforms both shaded pole and PSC technology and offers features like variable speed. With efficiencies three times higher than shaded pole motors and 40% higher than PSC, in addition to the reliable design, the ICE 59 provides users the most reliable and best energy savings solution for their applications.

  • Efficiency: ~68% peak
  • Speed Range: 800 – 1550 RPM
  • Speeds: 1 or 2 (speed regulated +/- 6%)
  • Programmable: For a fully equipped ICE 59, the ECM Toolbox can be used to change the operating type between discreet, PWM, and DSI (communicating). For discrete operations, the number of speeds, RPM and Rotation can be programmed. For PWM operation, the turn on and turn off speeds and direction of the rotation can be programmed. Additionally, the ECM Toolbox can be used to generate the PWM signal for use in laboratory testing. The ECM Toolbox provides utilities necessary to help the user generate DSI Communication Strings for DSI Operation.
  • Shaft: Single and Double shaft. 5/16″ single shaft with single flat is standard. 8mm and double flat shafts available
  • Enclosure: Totally enclosed — air over required
  • Compliance: RoHS
Literature: ICE 59 EC Motor Spec Sheet